Welcome to our school

Dia dhaoibh go léir,
Fáilte go suíomh idirlíon Scoil Chroí Íosa, Blarney.
Our website hopes to provide an insight into the everyday life of our school, including the wonderful and unique opportunities that are afforded to the children of Scoil Chroí Íosa. The website also contains lots of valuable information for parents and those in the wider community.
Scoil Chroí Íosa is a provider of high-quality education to students from Blarney and its surrounding area.
As a professional body of teachers, the staff are committed to working in partnership with parents to ensure every child reaches their full potential in a happy and stimulating learning environment. The school aims to promote full and harmonious development of all aspects of the child. We foster a love of learning, working to the best of one’s ability and developing a sense of respect and responsibility amongst our pupils.
With the above in mind, I am always extremely grateful to the hard work and goodwill of our Parents, Pupils, Teachers, SNAs, Secretaries & Caretaker, as well as our Parents Association, Board of Management and the wider community of Blarney; all of whom help make Scoil Chroí Íosa the unique, warm and welcoming school that it is.
I hope that you will find this website useful and informative, the staff and I look forward to sharing your child’s educational journey with you.
Le meas,
Michael Foley